Pitching Success: Whatever It Takes!
March 12, 2014
Pitching Tips to Throwing Better Off Speed Pitches
April 2, 2014
Pitching Success: Whatever It Takes!
March 12, 2014
Pitching Tips to Throwing Better Off Speed Pitches
April 2, 2014

What would change for you if you added another 5-10 MPH to your fastball?

Yes, I know velocity isn’t the only key to your pitching success , but it sure does help to have in your arsenal.

If you’ve been receiving my messages for the last few years you know I often talk about the 3 keys to success.

1. Location
2. Change of speed
3. Movement

When pitchers have all three its a deadly combination. In addition though, without velocity your off speed pitches aren’t nearly as effective.

When you can throw a faster curve or changeup (yes I said changeup) you will add much more movement to those pitches. Not just movement, but late movement which is what you want!

If you are 100% ready to increase velocity and throw nasty pitches I encourage you to get your own copies of Pitching Mechanics / Coaching Pitchers and the Pitching Grips and Workouts DVD’s. I’m confident they will help you take your pitching to the next level!

The Pitching Academy

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